
Friday, January 25, 2013


Fire has always had a fascination with everyone. It has been used as a spiritual tool, and has been used as a weapon in the stone age and has been used for warmth. Fire operates in our lives in the physical and in other areas of our 
The candle has been used for meditation and in churches for a long time now. The color of the candle has it's own vibration which we will proceed to tell you 

1. The color of the candle and it's vibration is activated, released and amplified when it is lit. As the candle burns, the color is released into the surrounding areas and affects those in this area.

2. The color of the candle that you use, is determined by the kind of healing needed. Consult the list on which corresponds to different conditions given below.

3. All candles should be cleansed, like you clean everything that is a tool for healing, and blessed, before you use them. Say a little prayer over the candle before you light it. This cleanses the candle of negativity. It also strengthens the color so that it works more effectively for the healing.

4. Once you have used a candle for a specific purpose, keep it for this purpose. If you have it for healing or meditation, keep them separate. Allow it to build up the vibration that you are using if for, otherwise it will set up conflicting vibrations.

5. Any candle will be effective. For longer, more sustained effects, church candles can be quite effective. They can burn for a long time. Do not leave a candle unattended. Burn them in the right candle holders.

6. Do not use candles to interfere with the free will of another. The rebound effect can be very dramatic.

7. Putting out the candle should be the last thing after the healing has been done. When extinguishing the candle, visualize that the healing breath is healing the area that is needed to be healed. Do not blow the candle out, get a piece of tin foil or cone to put out the flame.



The white candle is a symbol of purity and power. It brings out the effects of any other color candle that it is burned with. It promotes cleansing and awakes hope. It can be used to initiate new energy movement in healing or in other avenues. Unless it is a cheap candle, when a white candle smokes, it indicates that the negativity in the area is being burnt off. When the smoke ceases, the area is cleansed.


The black candle is very powerful. It is one of the most protective colors. It can be used to bring a person back down to earth. It can also be used in various ways to uncover secrets. It can be used in meditation, to help us find the light within the dark. It stabilizes and awakens greater responsibility. It is most effective when burnt with a white candle. Too much black can manifest depression.


The red candle is a symbol of love, health and the attainment of ambitions. It is the color and candle of passion. For sexual potency which expresses our primal life force.


The pink candle is a symbol of love and success. It awakens a consciousness of 
clean living and honour. It stimulates purity of intention and it can awaken a vision of truth and success.


The orange candle is a symbol of joy and creativity. It can be used with meditation to stimulate spiritual attainment. It can help to attract people, animals and other things that you want in life.

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