
Monday, February 11, 2013


Some people are wooed by persistent would-be lovers, those who won't take no for an answer and who won't leave them alone. This is the ideal spell for such a situation. It should be done during the waning cycle of the Moon.

Have a roaring fire going, then go outside and pick up two handfuls of dry vervain leaves (you can place them on the ground ahead of time, if necessary.) As you pick them up, shout out the name of the one you wish to be rid of. Turn and go into the house (or cross to the fire if this is all done out in the open)and fling leaves onto the fire with the words:

"Here is my pain;

Take it and soar.

Depart from me now

And offend me no more."

Do this for three nights in a row. You will hear no more from the unwanted ones. 

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